Before telling Bnj history as a brand, let’s start from Alessandro’s history, that began in late, very late 1988. Don’t panic, it’s not a fable, it won’t be a long and... boring story! Alessandro spent his life as almost every guy, until he got in touch with music, and started to play an electric guitar, thanks mainly to Iron Maiden who smash his ears ‘till Millennium changed! Few years playing around, and what would have been his job in 10 years-ish was growing inside him. First attempts in dismounting and reassembling his Strato® were followed soon by experiments in modifying guitar components, until 2009 when Alessandro’s first guitar built has been revealed. In 2012 Alessandro decided to attend Master Luthier school in Milan, and a year later, finally, BNJ brand was born. Since that day, a lot of things changed, most of them evolved in what BNJ brand is nowadays, some other not, but research keeps pushing and ideas keep flowing in Alessandro’s head.
"I want Bnj bass to be as perfect as I ask myself to be"
Alessandro "Bnj" Marchetti
BNJ team

the artist | mind and hands of every instrument
+39 +39 347 232 8304

contact us
Via della Libertà, 3
20037 Paderno Dugnano (MI)
+39 347 232 8304